Current patients now have 2 ways they can book an appointment with your practice:
By clicking on a public booking link and logging in from the booking page. To book with an existing appointment URL, patients will simply continue to access your booking link from the places you have it on your website currently.
By going straight to the patient portal and clicking the icon as shown in the screenshot below:
For patients who want to book directly from the patient portal, they will follow the steps below:
Log into their patient portal. (this can be sent to them by navigating to the patient chart, and clicking "Send access link"), or by accessing the link from a past email that they received from your practice, which contained the patient portal access link.
Clicking on the booking calendar icon, to the far right of their screen.
Choosing the desired appointment type
Selecting an available date, time and provider (if applicable)
Confirming the appointment
Your patient has now booked their next appointment via the patient portal. Please note: New patients will not be able to book from the patient portal, as they will not have access/sign-in credentials.
To disable online portal booking, please navigate to settings > locations > edit the location > turn off "Allow appointments to be booked online at this location". This will prevent any patients from being able to book appointments at this location online.