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Creating Sales Tax Profiles and Jurisdictions
Creating Sales Tax Profiles and Jurisdictions

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Tasha Demkiw avatar
Written by Tasha Demkiw
Updated over 3 months ago

The Hint platform has the tools designed to allow collecting and reporting of sales taxes. Each charge item can be marked as taxable. When creating an invoice you will choose a tax profile that will be used to determine the tax rate applied.

Marking a Charge Item as Taxable

You can mark a charge item as taxable from the charges tab. Check the box to the right of the price and tax will automatically be calculated based on your tax profiles when added to an invoice.

Tax Jurisdiction

 A tax jurisdiction is an area, city, municipality, county, or country with its own distinct regulations for taxation. The total rate of sales tax collected usually includes many tax jurisdictions. The Hint platform allows you to create predefined groups of tax jurisdictions called a tax profile. When tax is collected we will report on the amount due to each tax jurisdiction, not just the total amount collected. There are about 10,000 tax jurisdictions in the US as of 2014:

  1. Click 'Admin' 

  2. Click'Charges & Taxes' 

  3. Click 'Sales Tax' 

  4. Click '+New Tax Jurisdiction' 

  5. Name the jurisdiction whatever you would like

  6. Set the rate

  7. Click 'Save' 

Tax Profile

A tax profile is a grouping of levied taxes for a specific location or set of locations. You may have one for each of your locations, or you may have one for each city / county you have locations in. They will contain the total amount of tax to be charged, as well as a breakdown of each tax jurisdiction that makes up that total rate. Here is an example breakdown for locations within the city of San Francisco, CA.

San Francisco Tax Profile - 8.75%
State of California - 6.5%
County of San Francisco - 1.0%
San Francisco County District Tax Sp - 1.25%

The total tax rate is 8.75%, but this rate comes from taxes levied by three different jurisdictions. When we collect sales tax on your behalf we will report on the amounts due to each tax jurisdiction.

To create a Sales Tax profile:

  1. Click 'Admin'

  2. Click 'Charges & Taxes' 

  3. Click 'Sales Tax' 

  4. Click '+New Tax Profile' 

  5. Name your profile whatever you would like

  6. Select all the jurisdictions, you would like to include in this profile

  7. Click 'Create' 

Choosing a Tax Profile for an Invoice

If you only have one Tax profile and you add a taxable charge item to an invoice, the Tax will default to the only choice. If you have more than one profile, from the bottom of the invoice click the drop-down menu to the left of the Sales Tax line item and choose which sales profile you would like to apply.

How we calculate Sales Tax

Hint calculate sales tax on each individual charge item on the invoice versus by the invoice total amount. Additionally, we also calculate each jurisdiction separately. This is a standard sale tax calculation practice, however, there are several accepted standards and other vendors may choose a different approach (like calculating at the invoice total due level or lumping all jurisdictions into a single %). In the example below. One item on the invoice is taxable for the amount of $50. The sale tax profile has two jurisdictions at 4.75% and 2.25%.

$50 x 4.75% = 2.375 (round to 2.38)

$50 x 2.25 = 1.125 (round to 1.13)

Sale Tax Total: $3.51

Example Invoice:


Tax breakdown:


For information on Sales Tax Reporting, go here.

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