To remove a patient from an employer-sponsored membership and begin them on a consumer membership, first end their membership with the employer:
Navigate to the employer's account in Hint
Find the patient's name on the 'Employees' tab
Click 'Manage' -> 'Unenroll' to the right of the patient's name
To make the patient ineligible effective immediately, select a membership end date in the past
To completely remove the patient from the employee list, find their name click 'Manage' -> 'Make Ineligible', then click 'Manage' -> 'Remove'
Note: this will not delete the patient's record
Now you can enroll the patient on a new consumer membership:
Navigate to the patient's record
Click on their 'Memberships' tab
Click '+ New Membership'
4. When you create this new membership, you can change the membership start date and bill date as necessary, and add adult and child dependents
(**Note: if you get an overlapping membership error, you need to set a future start date that doesn't overlap with their employer-sponsored membership's end date)
5. After their membership is configured, scroll down and click 'Create' or 'Create and Bill Now'