Please note from the interaction list below, that some interactions will auto-save and some will not. The interactions that do auto-save (Documents, Notes, and Phone Calls) will periodically auto-save your edits, but it is always best to click "Save" or "Save Draft" to confirm that the changes are saved to the interaction:
Document (this interaction type auto-saves):
Allows practice to upload files into the Document and add notes on the file upload
Email (this interaction type does NOT auto-save):
Allows practice to email the patient directly from the practice email
The patient's email automatically populates
Practice can utilize templates in emails that you have saved
Fax (this interaction type does NOT auto-save):
Faxes can be assigned from the Communications page as an interaction OR you can select them from the Cloud/desktop
Practice can also add notes to the fax interaction
Form (this interaction type does NOT auto-save):
Allows practice to send customized forms/questionnaires to the patient
Forms can be sent via SMS or Email
Lab (this interaction type does NOT auto-save):
Allows practices to order labs for your patients and see results
Note (this interaction type auto-saves):
Allows practice to document patient chart notes using templates
Phone Call (this interaction type auto-saves):
If the patient were to call the practice, it would be logged as an interaction - this allows the practice to log another call or add additional details
Rx (this interaction type does NOT auto-save):
Allows practice to dispense medications in-house or e-prescribe with Dose Spot
SMS (this interaction type does NOT auto-save):
Allows practice to SMS message the patient
Log SMS (this interaction type does NOT auto-save):
Allows practice to save notes on a message, without sending the patient an SMS message
Vitals (this interaction type does NOT auto-save):
Allows practice to record patient vitals