Uploading the File to Your Practice's File Drive:
1. In Hint Clinical, navigate to 'File Drive' in the main menu on the left of your screen
2. Click 'Select Files':
3. Select the file from your computer
4. Click 'Upload to current folder' to upload the file to the current folder
5. Click 'Select where to upload' to select a different file drive folder to upload the file to
After you have uploaded the file to a folder in your File Drive, it is ready to be faxed.
Sending the Fax:
1. Navigate to Communication > Incoming Faxes
2. Click '+New Fax'
3. Navigate to the left side of the screen and fill out the fax cover page details:
4. Navigate to the right side of the screen and upload a file:
5. Click 'Select a practice file in the cloud' to search for and select one of the files you have already uploaded to your practice's file library; alternatively, you can upload a file to be faxed directly from your computer.
6. Click 'Select File' to upload a file directly from your computer
7. Click 'Send Fax' to send the fax to your intended recipient
Viewing Faxes
Viewing incoming faxes:
When you have a new fax, the dashboard will indicate this as shown in the screenshot below:
To view the new fax:
1. Go to ‘Communications’ and select ’Incoming Faxes’:
2. Navigate to File Drive
3. Click on the fax folder
4. Click on the incoming fax sub folder
You can choose to assign the fax to a patient chart, download the fax to your computer, print the fax, or mark it as unread.
Viewing all faxes:
Click on 'View all Faxes' to see a list of all inbound and outbound faxes
Note that there is a status attached to each inbound/outbound fax (sending, success, failed)
If a fax has failed, you should be able to click into it and see the specific failure reason
Viewing faxes in the File Drive:
Navigate to File Drive > fax
Within the fax folder, there are additional folders:
Assigned: These are faxes that have been assigned to patients
Incoming-fax: This folder contains fax files you received
Outgoing-fax: This folder contains fax files as they appear to your recipient
Outgoing-fax-original: This folder contains the original fax files you uploaded for sending