Navigate to Hint Clinical
Locate tasks in the 'Dashboard' or click 'Tasks' in the left side menu
Click '+Task' to create a new task which can be assigned to any practice user or patient
From your list view, click the check mark on the far left to mark as complete
Creating a New Task
Navigate to Tasks on the left hand side
Click + New Task
You have the below options from within the task:
Input who the task is assigned to
Input a due date
Link the task to a particular patient
Mark as 'High Priority'
Delete the Task
Mark Task as Complete
Mark Task Unread
Navigating Tasks through Dashboard
You can also navigate to tasks and create new tasks from the Dashboard. As a note, from the Dashboard, you are unable to input who the task is assigned to, link the task to a patient, or mark it as high priority. Once you create the task and click on it, you will be able to assign the task, link to a patient, or mark high priority. In order to locate this:
Navigate to Dashboard in Hint Clinical
You will see two options:
Today's Tasks
Pending Tasks
Filtering Tasks
You can now filter tasks by all task statuses (read, unread, updated, completed, and deleted), not just by deleted and completed.
In the "Practice Tasks" view, you can filter by the assigned user
If you have multiple pages of tasks, the list tasks view will now remember which page of tasks you were on after you click into a task. If you click "back" on the browser from viewing a task, you'll return to the page in the tasks list you were on previously.
I want to assign one task to several users. Can I do this?
At this time, you are only able to assign one user to one task.
If I have a task that is set in the future, is there a way to only show the task once that due date is closer?
At this time, you will see a future task at all times.
Am I able to add comments to a task?
It's important for me to see who created a task. Is this information available to me?
Yes - this information is available once you click on the task. It will appear as below:
I notice that some tasks have a blue dot next to them, what does this mean?