Custom Forms, Questionnaires & Consent Forms

Learn how to create, customize, and send forms in Clinical

Benjamin Fetter avatar
Written by Benjamin Fetter
Updated over a week ago

This video demonstrates how to create Questionnaires and Consent Forms, explains the use case for each, and how to send them to patients:

There are several ways that you can send a Clinical form to a patient or prospect directly or make the form available to anyone via a URL:

  1. To make a form available as a public URL (allows you to place your form on your practice's website or email the form link outside of Clinical):

    1. In Clinical, go to the Forms page > Select Forms (between Dashboard and History menu bar) > Click on the Form > Click the ellipsis button > Click the Get URL button > Click the checkbox for "I want this form to be accessed through my website or tablet" > Click on the Copy button to the right of the Form URL.

    2. The Form URL is now copied to your device and you can paste this URL onto your website for patients to click on or email this URL outside of All-In-One.

  2. Send a form from the patient's chart:

    1. On the patient's chart in Clinical, select +Interaction > Select the Form interaction > Select the form to send from the dropdown menu > Select whether you want to send the form using Email or SMS > Click Send Form

    2. Once the form has been filled out and completed, the form will be returned to the patient's chart in the Form interaction with the completed form attached.

  3. Send a form from the Forms page (sending forms to non-patients):

    1. In Clinical, go to the Forms page > Select Send Form to Client > Select the Form to send from the dropdown menu > Enter the first and last name > Enter the email address > Click Send Form

    2. Upon completion, the form will be returned to the Forms page under Latest Forms Received. You can view the completed form by selecting the View button. You can print or download this completed form and upload it to a patient's chart.

    Form emails are sent to all users' emails that are saved on the User Management page in Clinical > Settings.

    From within the opened form, you have the ability to complete the following:

    Viewing Progress on Patient Forms

    Progress can be viewed by viewing the form after it's been sent to the patient. If the form has been sent, but not opened you will see 'Last access' will state "Not opened yet".

    If the form has been sent, but not opened you will see 'Last access' will state when they last opened it:

    Finally, once a form has been completed and sent back to the practice, it will reflect the below, stating the date and time it was sent back to the practice:

    To stop receiving an email notification every time a patient submits a form:

    In Clinical, click Forms > Settings > Notifications > then unselect "notify me every time a client submits a form".

    Note: Only questionnaires will show under Interactions > Forms. Other forms will need to be sent to patients from the Forms section of Clinical.


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