Change a User's Prescribing Permissions in Veradigm
Sarah Morosko avatar
Written by Sarah Morosko
Updated over a week ago

A Hint account Admin can change a user's permissions by following these steps:

  1. Open Veradigm through the utility login (Settings > eRX (Veradigm > Utility Login),

  2. In Veradigm: Go to 'Settings' > 'Edit Users'

  3. Select the user you want to change prescribing permissions for > and change the 'ePrescription Permissions/Prescriber Type',

  4. Click Save (Note: it takes a while to save in Veradigm).

After you make these changes in Veradigm to their prescribing permissions, it will unblock you from changing their prescribing permissions in Hint. After this is changed in Veradigm, you can then go back to Hint Clinical and adjust permissions:

1. Refresh your screen

2. Then go to 'Settings' > 'User Management' >

3. Click into their user profile> change their prescription permissions to the updated 'ePrescription Permissions/Prescriber Type'

4. Click 'Save User' to save your changes

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