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Forms: Using File Attachments
Krystle Thornton avatar
Written by Krystle Thornton
Updated over 12 months ago

Support for file attachments is a powerful tool that allows clients or practitioners to upload files to intake questionnaires and treatment notes. Let's look at the different ways this can be accomplished.

Adding a File Attachment to an Intake Questionnaire

This allows you clients to upload files when filling out your intake forms. Each file attachment is limited to 25mb per file. In order to set this up follow the steps below:

  • Create a new intake questionnaire or open an existing one.

  • Click "Add New Question".

  • Select the question type as "File Attachment".

  • Add a description to the question (i.e. Please Enter Your Blood Work).

  • Check the following options as needed:

    1. Is Required: This will make it a requirement that a file is uploaded, otherwise the form cannot be submitted.

    2. Allow multiple files: This allows you to add multiple files in the same question type.

    3. Display text box at the end for further explanation: This adds a single line at the bottom of the question that allows the client to make a note after uploading the file.

Allowing the Office Staff to Upload a File to a Client Intake Form

The next way to set up a file attachment is to add it to an intake questionnaire but mark the question as "For Office Use Only". This will allow you to attach files to the form after the client has submitted it. Use this in any circumstances where you would like to keep the file attachment in the same form as the client's intake questionnaire. To set this up, follow the steps detailed above, and follow the final step as mentioned below:

  • Click the "Question Options" button and check the box "For Office Use Only" as shown below:



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