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Setting up locations on your provider profile
Alex George avatar
Written by Alex George
Updated over 8 months ago

Provider profiles can be located by selecting:

  1. Select “Admin”

  2. Select “Providers & Patients”

  3. Under the “Providers” section is the provider profile

    -To update an existing provider profile select “Edit” on the right-hand side of the existing profile. The existing profile will pop-up.

    -Scroll down to “Locations” section to edit locations. Select the “+” sign to add a location. Select the “-” sign to remove locations.

  4. To add a new provider profile select “+New Provider” from the right-hand side. A new profile will pop-up to be filled in.

    -Scroll down to “Locations” section and select the “+” sign to add a location. Select the “-” sign to remove locations.

Note: ”Freemium” accounts-Free Hint accounts that are only available because they are an affiliate account of a network don’t have the ability to access/change their “locations”

As your practice grows, remember to revisit your provider profile and update this information. The more accurate and complete your profile is, the more likely you’ll be matched with patients who are a great fit for your practice!

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