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Member-only Appointments

With the new calendar, you can create appointments that are specifically for existing patients only.

Jahnis LaFaver avatar
Written by Jahnis LaFaver
Updated over 2 months ago

With the new calendar, you are now able to create appointments specifically for existing patients. To create this type of appointment, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log into Clinical

  2. Click Settings > Appointment Types

  3. Click +Add appointment type or "edit" on an existing appointment type

  4. Ensure "Allow non-member to book" option is turned off

  5. Click Save

Once the member-only appointment type has been created, only existing members will be able to book this appointment type. When an existing member accesses this booking link from a known/recognized browser, they will not be required to sign-in. They will be able to choose the member-only option and continue with their booking.

These existing member appointments are easily identifiable from your signup page:

If a non-member accesses this booking link, they will see the below screen, prompting them to log into the patient portal. As a non-member, they will not have a log in, and therefore will be unable to book this appointment type.

Please note: existing members who access this booking link from a new browser/unrecognized device/incognito mode will also be prompted to sign into the patient portal before being able to book this appointment type.

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