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Online Signup Pages
Tasha Demkiw avatar
Written by Tasha Demkiw
Updated over 12 months ago

Patients can self-enroll in a membership or pay for a one-time charge by visiting an online signup page. Follow these steps to create online signup pages for your membership plans and charges. You can also add multiple membership plan options to an online signup page:

Creating the Online Signup or Checkout Page

  1. Navigate to Admin > Online Signup

  2. Click 'Signup Pages'

  3. Click '+New Signup Page' in the upper right-hand corner

  4. To create a signup page for a membership plan, select the paper icon

  5. To create a checkout page for a charge item, select the cart icon

  6. Select the plan or charge you'd like to create a signup page or checkout page for

    1. If you would like to create a signup page that has multiple plans available to choose from, you can do so by selecting the plans from the dropdown list one at a time, as shown below. The last plan selected will be the default plan selection on the online signup form. The patient will be able to choose from the different plan options on the 'Membership' page of the online signup form, as shown below.

      1. Note: you cannot select multiple charge items for a checkout page

  7. Name the URL in the 'checkout/' field

    1. Note: the URL must be unique from your other signup pages

  8. Optional settings:

    1. If your practice has multiple providers, you can enable provider settings to select which providers patients can choose from on this online signup page by selecting them one at a time, as shown in the video below. You can select one or multiple.

    2. If your practice has multiple locations, you can enable location settings to select which locations patients can choose from on this online signup page by selecting them one at a time, as shown in the video below. You can select one or multiple.

    3. Enable confirmation settings to add a confirmation message or redirect patients to your practice's website

  9. Click 'Create' 

Video Walkthrough:

Copying the new link in order to post to your website:

  1. Navigate back to the the 'Signup Pages' tab

  2. Right click on the new link in the 'URL' column and click 'Copy Link Address'.

Now that address is copied to your clipboard and you can paste it where needed.

Deleting/Disabling a Signup Link

If you no longer want your signup link to to be accessible, you can either:

  1. 'Delete' the link.

    1. Note: You cannot delete a signup link that is set as your default.

  2. Disable the link by clicking 'Edit', switching 'Live' to 'Off', and clicking 'Update'.

If you would like to delete a membership plan, you must first remove it from your online signup pages.

  • If the plan has a standalone signup page, you can delete its signup page by navigating to the 'Signup Pages' tab and clicking 'Delete' next to its link.

  • For plans listed among other plan options on a signup page, remove the plan from the online signup link by clicking 'Edit' next to the signup page link and clicking the 'X' next to the plan name. Then, click 'Update'

Next, delete the plan from Admin > Membership Options

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