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Memberships Report
Tasha Demkiw avatar
Written by Tasha Demkiw
Updated over a week ago

The Memberships Report gives you powerful filters for understanding the breakdown of your memberships. 

To access this report, simply click on Reports > Memberships and then select your desired filters:

  • Last Billed or Billing: Filter on memberships that are 'Unconfirmed', 'Starting', 'Ending', 'Active', or 'Billing' within any month or arbitrary time frame

  • Date: Choose current and past months, or select a custom time frame

  • Patients/Membership owners - This toggle allows you to choose how you would like to view your memberships

'Patients' - each patient will be listed as its own line item. The following example would count as two in the report count. 

'Membership Owners' - memberships will be summarized by the primary member and dependents will be listed in the same line item. The following example would count as one in the report count. 

  • Groups/Locations/Providers: Filter your search to view a group, location, or provider

  • Filter Billing Period: Filter on memberships that are billed 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Semi-Annually', or 'Annually' 

  • Filter Payment Source: Filter on memberships whose Payment Source is 'Valid', 'Has Warning', or 'Requires Attention' 

  • Filter Autopay: Filter on autopay enabled or disabled to see check payers that may require a paper invoice

  • All Plans: View memberships by plan

  • All Employers: View memberships sponsored by a selected employer

  • Filter Rate Overrides: Filter on ‘Automatic Rate’ - memberships whose rates are automatically calculated based on the membership plan, ‘Overridden (Off Rate)’ - the override amount is different than what would have been automatically calculated, or ‘Overridden (On Rate)’ - the override amount is the same as what would have been automatically calculated

  • Above filters can be combined to further dive into your memberships

After applying desired filters, you can ‘Export to CSV’ by clicking the blue cloud down arrow icon. The download contains 25+ columns including ‘# covered’ by membership, if the member joined via an online signup page, date created, and more.

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