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Billed Revenue Report
Tasha Demkiw avatar
Written by Tasha Demkiw
Updated over a week ago

The Billed Revenue Report is a charge level report of everything that you expect to be paid for. This includes membership, one off charges, and employer charges. As opposed to the Received Revenue or Deposits reports, this will only show you expected revenue regardless of invoice status (paid or unpaid). 

This report will show you all changes in revenue, or the money that you expect to receive or to not receive in any given period. For example, if a charge is invoiced in one month, but paid in the the next, the data in this report will not change. This report is primarily designed to support your accountant in closing the books, and, and is sometimes used by businesses who reimburse providers based on booked revenue.

To navigate to this report click on Reports -> Billed Revenue. To drill down on any single invoice, simply click the invoice # you are interested in reviewing and it will take you directly to the invoice details page.

Filters available in this report are:

  • Revenue Date

  • Charge Categories

  • Providers

So for example, you can filter for  'Membership'  revenue in 'December 2016' with 'No Filter' on providers.

A summary pivot table can also be pulled up so that you create a report to 'summarize' billed revenue 'By category' in 'December 2016'.

View deposits to your practice's bank account or check out our Received Payment report to see collected payments.

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