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Set Auto Appointment Reminders

Send automatic appointment reminders to your patients via Hint Clinical

Alex Loeb avatar
Written by Alex Loeb
Updated over a week ago

Create a New Appointment Reminder

  1. On your Hint Clinical dashboard, navigate to the 'Calendar' on the left sidebar

  2. Double click the time slot you want to schedule on your calendar

  3. On the calendar item window click 'Appointment' and select the patient's name

  4. Switch the reminder type and time to your choosing or add additional reminders by clicking '+ Reminder'. You can add up to 4 reminders

  5. Click 'Save' at the bottom to save your new reminder

Note: After a patient has been sent the reminder texts/emails you will see green check boxes in the event itself. These indicate they were sent.

Here are example messages a patient would receive:

If you have scheduled a Video Call, the video meeting link will be included in the reminder text. See examples below:

Customize Appointment Reminder Notifications

  1. On your Hint Clinical dashboard, navigate to your 'Settings' on the left sidebar

  2. Select the 'Calendars' tab at the top

  3. Select the calendar you would like to customize notifications for

  4. Update the Text/Email body and subjects to your liking

    Note: You can add {{appointment time}} and {{appointment date}} to pull in the details for the different patients

  5. Click 'Save' at the bottom

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