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Patient Self Scheduler Settings

Patient self-scheduler settings

Krystle Thornton avatar
Written by Krystle Thornton
Updated over a week ago

Once you have created a schedule within the Scheduler Settings, you will find the below settings located in the scheduler:

Event Info:

  • Event Name

  • Event Template Title

  • Event Location

  • Duration

  • Min. Booking Notice (how far in advance events must be scheduled)

  • Min. Cancel Notice (how far in advance events must cancelled via the booking page)

  • Future Limit (how far in advance events are able to be scheduled)

  • Cancellation Policy (asks patients to provide a brief reason for their cancellation)


  • Provide which calendar should be used for availability and booking

    • Ensure that the correct practice calendar is aligned with your scheduler

Opening Hours:

  • Provide the event time zone

  • What are the opening hours?

    • Meetings can only be booked during your opening hours when there are no conflicts on your availability calendars.

Booking Flow:

  • How should new bookings be handled?

    • Automatically

      • Bookings are auto-confirmed when they are submitted (instant booking)

    • Manually

      • You'll be notified and can confirm or decline bookings manually

  • What should happen when a booking is completed?

    • Hosted Page

      • Show the guest the standard thank-you page.

    • Custom Page

      • Pass booking info to a page on another website - Learn More!


  • How should new bookings and cancellations be communicated?

    • Options:

      • Send me a confirmation email

      • Send patients a confirmation email

  • How should everyone be reminded of upcoming bookings?

    • Select a reminder:

      • Customize the Minutes/Hours/Days before the event

    • Email Recipients:

      • Event Guest

      • Event Host

      • Both

    • Email Subject

      • Select custom email subject for reminders

Custom Fields:

  • What info should guests provide?

    • Input specific information that you want patients to provide

Page Styles:

  • Company Name

  • Company Logo

  • Custom page slug

  • Theme color

  • Submit button label

  • Thank you message

On the overall scheduler setting page, you will also be able to select:

  • View Page

    • View how the scheduler is seen by the patient

  • Delete Page

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