The following functionality allows you to create an online signup link for a one-time charge such as a virtual or in-person visit. The patient will be charged the one-time fee but not enrolled in a membership and will show a status of inactive on their Hint chart. The practice is notified via email once the patient completes their purchase.
Step 1: Create the charge:
Click on 'Admin'
Click on 'Charges & Taxes'
Click '+ New Item' and configure the name, price, charge category and description
Click 'Create'
Step 2: Create a virtual location (Spruce workflow specific)
**Note: If you are not using Spruce for patient communication, skip to step 3.
Click on 'Admin'
Click on 'Providers & patients'
Click on the 'Locations' tab
Click '+ New Location'
Toggle on virtual location and leave the address field blank
Click 'Create'
Step 3: Create the checkout link to share with patients
Click on 'Admin'
Select 'Online Signup'
Click on the 'Signup Pages' tab
Click '+ New Signup Page'
Select the shopping cart icon
Select the charge item e.g. Virtual Visit, House Call, etc.ย
Name the URL in the 'checkout/' field
Optional settings:
If your practice has multiple providers, you can enable provider settings to select which providers patients can choose from on this online signup page by selecting them one at a time, as shown in the video below. You can select one or multiple.
If your practice has multiple locations, you can enable location settings to select which locations patients can choose from on this online signup page by selecting them one at a time, as shown in the video below. You can select one or multiple.
Enable confirmation settings to add a confirmation message or redirect patients to your practice's website
Click 'Create'
Copying the new link to share with patients or post on your website:
Navigate back to the the 'Signup Pages' tab
Right click on the new link in the 'URL' column and click 'Copy Link Address'.
Now that address is copied to your clipboard and you can paste it where needed.