The status of a membership is used to help you understand, at-a-glance, key details about a membership. Membership status can be viewed from your patient list:
Within the patient's membership details:
Or on a patient's Clinical chart:
A membership's status will be 'Active' if all of the conditions are met:
The membership has no unpaid bills (or invoices, in the case of a sponsored membership)
The membership has started, i.e. today is after the membership's start date
The membership has not ended, i.e. today is before the membership's end date
A membership's status will be 'Ended' if today is on or after the membership's end date.
A membership's status will be 'Pending' if it has not yet started, i.e. today is before the membership's start date.
If a patient enrolls using an online signup link and you have not yet confirmed their membership, their membership's status will be 'Unconfirmed'.
Note: This only applies if your practice does not auto-confirm memberships. You can change this setting by going to Admin > Online Signup Form. In the Settings section toggle 'Auto Confirm Memberships' to off.
A membership's status will be 'Unpaid' if all of the following conditions are met:
The membership has unpaid bills (or invoices, in the case of a sponsored membership)
The membership has started, i.e. today is after the membership's start date
The membership has not ended, i.e. today is before the membership's end date